Namelist of Bulgarian Rullers

The Namelist of Bulgarian Rulers is a brief excerpt describing the names and years of the reign of the Bulgarian rulers. Inserted in the book «Hellenistic and Roman chronicler» between the first and third part without being separated from them. There are three transcripts that contain the namelist. They are referred as Uvarov, Pogodinov and Moscow, Uvarov. There are small differences in transcription of names between the 3 of them.

Because it contains the years (and months) to the accession of rulers and expresses their names with the ancient Bulgarian, the namelist has become the basis for numerous studies on the calendar of the ancient Bulgarians.

Uvarov transcript from 15-th Century
Авитохолъ житъ лѣт. ҃т. рѡд ему Дуло. а лѣт ему дилѡмъ твирем.
Ирникъ. житъ лѣт. ҃ри. рѡд ему Дуло. а лѣт ему дилом твиремь.
Гостунъ наместникъ сьї два лѣта. рѡд ему. Ерми. а лѣт рму дохсъ. втиремь.
Курт: ҃ѯ лѣт дръжа. рѡд ему Дуло. а лѣт ему шегоръ вечемь.
Безмеръ ҃г лѣт. а рѡд сему Дуло. а лѣт ему шегоръ вемь.

cіі ҃е кнѧз. дръжаше кнѧженїе обонъ страну Дунаѧ. лѣт ҃ф ҃еі
остриженами главами.
И потѡм пріиде на страну Дунаѧ. Исперих кнѧз тожде и дoселѣ.

Есперих кнѧз. ѯ҃а лѣт рѡд Дуло. а лѣт ему верени алем.
Тервен. к҃а. лѣто. рѡд ему Дуло. а лѣт ему текучитем.
твирем. к҃и. лѣт. рѡд ему дваншехтем.
Севаръ. е҃і. лѣт. рѡд ему Дуло. а лѣт ему тохалтом.
Кормисошь. з҃і. лѣт. рѡд ему Вокиль. а лѣт ему шегоръ твиремь.

Сїи же княз измѣни рѡд Дулов. рекше Вихтунь.

Винех. ҃з. лѣт. а рѡд ему Оуколь. а лѣт ему имашегоралемь.
Телець. ҃г. лѣта. рѡд Оугаинь. а лѣт ему соморъ. алтемь.
И сїи иного рад.
Оуморъ. ҃м. днїи. рѡд ему Оукиль а ему дилѡм тоутѡм.
Avitohol lived 300 years. His clan was Dulo and his year (of ascending to the throne) dilom tvirem.
Irnik lived 150 years. His clan Dulo and his year dilom tverim.
Gostun, the regent, 2 years. His clan Ermi and his year dokhs tvirem.
Kurt ruled 60 years. His clan Dulo and his year shegor vechem.
Bezmer 3 years and his clan Dulo and his year shegor vem (vechem).

These five princes ruled the kingdom over the other side of the Danube for 515 years with shaven heads and after that came to this side of the Danube Asparuh knyaz and until now (rules).

Asparuh knyaz 61 years (ruled). His clan Dulo and his year vereni alem.
Tervel 21 years. His clan Dulo and his year tekuchitem tvirem.

(An additional ruler is sometimes inserted here, depending on the reading.)

Sevar 15 years. His clan Dulo and his year toh altom.
Kormisosh 17 years. His clan Vokil and his year shegor tvirem.
Vinekh 7 years. His clan Ukil [Vokil]. And his year (imen)shegor alem.
Telets 3 years. His clan Ugain and his year somor altem.
Umor (ruled) 40 days. His clan Ukil [Vokil] and his year dilom tutom.

Uvarov's transcript № 10, sheet 69, turnover 70.

Pogodin's transcript from 16-th century
Авитохолъ житъ лѣт ҃т. родъ рму дуло. а лѣт ему. диломтвиремъ.
́Ирникъ. житъ лѣт ҃р и́ ҃и лѣт. род ему дуло а лѣт ему диломътвиремъ.
Гостунь намѣстникъ сьї. ҃в. лѣта. род ёму е́рми. а лѣт ему дохсъ втиремъ.
Куртъ ҃ѯ лѣт дръжа. род ему дуло. а лѣт ёму. шегоръвечем
Безмѣръ. ҃г. лѣта. а род семоу дуло. а лѣт е́му шегоръвѣчемъ.

сї́и ҃є. кн҃зь дръжаше кнѧженїе́ ѡб ону страну дунаѧ. лѣт ҃ф и́ є̃і.
ѡстриженами главами.
и потом прїи́де на страну дунаѧ И́сперих кн҃зь тожде и́ до селѣ

Ёсперерих кн҃зь. ҃ѯ и ѡдино лѣто. род дуло. а лѣт ёму верениа́лемъ.
Тервель. ҃к и́ ҃а лѣтто род е́му дуло. а лѣт е́му текучитемъ
Твиремъ. ҃к. и́ ҃и. лѣт. род е́му дуло. а лѣт е́му дв̏аншехтемъ
Севаръ є̃і лѣт род е́му дуло. а лѣт е́му. тохалтомъ
Кормисошь. з̃і. лѣт род е́му вокилъ. а лѣт ёму. шегорътвиримъ.

Сїи́же кн҃зь измѣни род дуловъ рекше вихтунь

Винех. ҃з лѣт а род е́му оукиль а лѣт ёму имѧшегоралемъ.
Телецъ ҃г лѣт. род ёму оугаи́нъ a лѣт ему соморъалтемъ. И сїи́ и́ного рад
Oуморъ ҃м дн҃їи́ род е́му оу́киль. л́ е́му диломтоутомъ.
Avitohol lived 300 years. His clan was Dulo and his year (of ascending to the throne) dilom tvirem.
Irnik lived 150 years. His clan Dulo and his year dilom tverim.
Gostun, the regent, 2 years. His clan Ermi and his year dokhs tvirem.
Kurt ruled 60 years. His clan Dulo and his year shegor vechem.
Bezmer 3 years and his clan Dulo and his year shegor vem (vechem).

These five princes ruled the kingdom over the other side of the Danube for 515 years with shaven heads and after that came to this side of the Danube Asparuh knyaz and until now (rules).

Asparuh knyaz 61 years (ruled). His clan Dulo and his year vereni alem.
Tervel 21 years. His clan Dulo and his year tekuchitem tvirem.

(An additional ruler is sometimes inserted here, depending on the reading.)

Sevar 15 years. His clan Dulo and his year toh altom.
Kormisosh 17 years. His clan Vokil and his year shegor tvirem.
Vinekh 7 years. His clan Ukil [Vokil]. And his year (imen)shegor alem.
Telets 3 years. His clan Ugain and his year somor altem.
Umor (ruled) 40 days. His clan Ukil [Vokil] and his year dilom tutom.

It is kept in the public library in Petrograd as № 1437, sheet 72a-73.

Transcript from Moscow from 16-th century
Avitohol lived 300 years. His clan was Dulo and his year (of ascending to the throne) dilom tvirem.
Irnik lived 150 years. His clan Dulo and his year dilom tverim.
Gostun, the regent, 2 years. His clan Ermi and his year dokhs tvirem.
Kurt ruled 60 years. His clan Dulo and his year shegor vechem.
Bezmer 3 years and his clan Dulo and his year shegor vem (vechem).

These five princes ruled the kingdom over the other side of the Danube for 515 years with shaven heads and after that came to this side of the Danube Asparuh knyaz and until now (rules).

Asparuh knyaz 61 years (ruled). His clan Dulo and his year vereni alem.
Tervel 21 years. His clan Dulo and his year tekuchitem tvirem.

(An additional ruler is sometimes inserted here, depending on the reading.)

Sevar 15 years. His clan Dulo and his year toh altom.
Kormisosh 17 years. His clan Vokil and his year shegor tvirem.
Vinekh 7 years. His clan Ukil [Vokil]. And his year (imen)shegor alem.
Telets 3 years. His clan Ugain and his year somor altem.
Umor (ruled) 40 days. His clan Ukil [Vokil] and his year dilom tutom.

It is kept in the synodal library in Moscow as № 280, sheet 68a-69.

Table for conversoin from number values represented as cyrillic letters to modern representation of the numbers with arabic digits.
units   tenths   hundreds   others
value letter name value letter name value letter name value letter name
1 а азъ az 10 ї їжеи zhei 100 р рьци rtsi
2 в вѣдѣ vedi 20 к како kako 200 с слово slovo
3 г глаголи glagoli 30 л людиѥ ljudi 300 т тврьдо tverdo
4 д добро dobro 40 м мыслитє mislete 400 ѹ ѹкъ uk 400 ѵ ѵжица izhitsa
5 є єсть jest 50 н нашь nash 500 ф фрьтъ fert 400 ѷ ѷжица vzhitsa
6 ѕ ѕѣлѡ dzelo 60 ѯ ѯи, кси ksi 600 х хѣръ kher
7 з землѣ zemlja 70 о онъ on 700 ѱ ѱи, пси psi
8 и иже izhe 80 п покои pokoj 800 ѡ ѡтъ oht 800 ѿ ѿтъ, отъ wht
9 ѳ ѳита, тита thita 90 ҁ ҁопа, копа kopa 900 ц ци tsi 900 ѧ ѧсъ (малка носовка) ya, small yus

thousands     Tenths of thousands had been represented as the corresponding letter for units surrounded in a cyrcle. For example a surrounded in a cyrcle means 10 000.
Hundreds of thousands - corresponding letter surrounded with a dashed cyrcle.
Millions - corresponding letter surrounded in a cyrcle with wave lines.
Hundreds of millions - corresponding letter surrounded in a cyrcle of crosses.
value letter name
1 000 ҂а
2 000 ҂в
3 000 ҂г
4 000 ҂д
5 000 ҂є
6 000 ҂ѕ
7 000 ҂з
8 000 ҂и
9 000 ҂ѳ